
To: Efforts to change it ( he / she )

I built my journey
I wrote my history
I forgive my past

whatever i do is just want to change my life
become good only

but most of the time we are loser
what we do , what we spend
is useless....


Plan it , Do it , to change it ....

Now working under other
is hard to change ur life become better
it's just less people is the lucky person can get the chance

Encourage urself ,Find a partner, to try it

Walk for Looking
Work for Learning
Do for Changing

Try is the chance to let u do it !!


1+1= 2

but u not 1 ,
u can be 2 3 4 5 6 or other number

Improve urself
whatever is knowledge or experience
just improve ur value....

when u do it ,
u will get more than it's...


Contact ... relationship ... misunderstanding ....

Graduate already almost one and half years ,
just realize that most of us less contact each other
when they have their new starting or working life ....


it's a true and real story ,

a surprise video call to me , for asking some things
she say we already around one year not contact
ya , really is a long time ,
what new of both ?? don know

we start gossip on skype at least 1 hour
heard a lot and know many about her and what she had change


what i want say is , we always online on facebook , vimber , messager or others
but u have spend time to ask him/her what happen about his life ?

i think each people have his own best friend and good friend
u will always around it to forget other friend

i do it when i after graduate because many of them have bad habit
and some is oversea (lazy to contact ) ...


if u not contact u will get misunderstanding
when other people saying about u and ur friend
relationship breaking because of it ....


Relationship change because u have change ....

Always online - JJ 林俊杰

online wait for the person
same as most of us

y won't take up ur handphone
press the button to call him/her


Follow ur heart to be urself is hard but is nice ...

跟随你要的事物 才会留意四周的变化
错过的风景 是你跟随了时间的脚步


时间 是不会疲倦的在 流动
不要为了跟上 而放弃 属于自己的休息
梦想 是给与 懂得 分配自己时间的人 去争取

不是说 分配时间的人 没资格
指使你会错过 或 失去
比较多的 事物

也不是说 严重病患的人 没资格
他们 只是 珍惜 所剩的时间
去 接近 或 完成


Beside u always have a things waiting for u
but u never cherish it or take care it
just leave it at there when u get depression or weak
u just release it already beside by u ....

reject but regret
is the end of the story...

Follow ur heart if can it won't be worse
is worse but it's what u choose
u will not regret when u fail it ....

u regret is because u hate u won't done well
before the ending coming....

Hard for success , nice for life ...


心中看到的世界 不是 眼中看到的世界
一个是梦想 一个是现实
只有 在两者的中心 建立一个 链接点
才会在 现实中 实现梦想


病~True love only for forever Because it's only happens one time on your's life....


过程虽然痛苦 但最后还是痊愈...

它 曾经陪伴过你 也 提醒着你 不要忘记照顾自己

虽然 看似的离开 却已 一直的陪伴着你...

每一场恋爱 每一次生病

只会是 相似 不会是 重复...

感觉不一样 因为

你现在经历的 不是当初的第一次 ...

感情总是变了味 就像病情随着好坏而改变

身体总是在抗议 你却任由它逗留。。。


自己跟自己的争斗 最后受伤的还是自己


即使再怎样的照顾自己 还是会有例外的发生

我希望 这例外不会再发生第二次

因为 再经历一次 只会痛多一次...

一点的好转 却把这 当成是 结局

伤害往往是彼此 却一句对不起...


若36~37度 左右 是正常指数

那每增加一度 就是对你的付出。。。

感情 就是一种未知的病毒

对每个人的 反应都不一样

成分不一样 效果也不一样

只有了解的人 才能 配出对的药。。。

再好的药 也要在 对的时间 服用
跟不上它的变化 再好 都没用...



没有人会喜欢 生病中的自己
虚弱 独孤 狼狈 迷失

害怕 所以 寻找 陪伴

门锁打不开 以为 门锁坏了
却没发现 再坚固的钥匙
若没细心的维修 也会 缺了一角。。。


"True love only for forever
because it's only happens
one time on your's life..."

guess a sickness "CHICKEN POX"


“逐渐的痊愈 才发现 你已慢慢的在消失
痊愈的自己 才肯定 你就是我要寻找的。”


stupid english ....

My friend ask me
when ur friend (chinese ) use english to speak with u
u will use english to reply him ? ur english level and him is same too...

i say
if the situation need to speak i will try to speak ,
if not i think i will speak mandarin or what to reply it ,
just feel weird when use english speak with same race person ...
or you can comprehend / understanding my english is bad

hahhahaha is the end of this tittle for both of us ......

we know that english is a general language when we at secondary school
but most of us choose to evade this problem and let it be ours weak points
we try to change it but we can't keep the ideal for long time
wait and wait and wait , we still at the same place on this problem

how to improve ? we all know it but we won't do it on daily time.....

we always know where are our weak point ,
but we just let it at there forever won't change it for a moment

haiz.... english is become importance and importance ....
whatever u go u do , u will use it when u meet a problem ....

i don know y people like to use english to show he/she is a elite person( i don know this word is correct or not ....) feel like he is proud on it .....
just my opinion only for a joke lah

english very very very importance =___='''

Enjoy ur's life and have a good rest and have a nice days ^w^


你 我 她

每个人心里都有一个 “她”
忘不了 却留恋
放不下 却已失去
不知不觉 已进驻在你心中


“她” 是过去的代名词 也是我对“她”的认识和理解
而 “你”却是“她”的前身 ....

我为你付出过 当 我不再为你付出的时候 而是为别人了
你 就是 我的过去
她 就会 取代了你

这是一个更替的过程 也可以说是一个循坏
当你找到你要的了 这就是一个 不可循坏的 “你”



我 ,你 , 她 , 爱 , 组合成一个句子

我爱你 那 她 呢?
我爱他 那 你 呢?

围绕的点 还是在 “我” “你” “她”
站在 的角度 她自己就是

在大多数的时候 都是说
我喜欢你 我仰慕你 我爱你 等等

也证明了 一个人不可能同时拥有 “你” 或 “她”
只能 从中 作一个选择 ....

你知道 每次 我们都会说 你 我 他
我 是在中间 !!!

“一只手握得再紧 也比不上 双手握得牢”
(用自己的双手 去握对方的手)


多数的人 总是希望 或可以说是 奢望/渴望
自己可以拥有 再拥有 因为 他们觉得多总比少好
现代的社会 就是现实 没钱就是不行
这种观念 也间接影响 他们自己的想法和观念...

你可以有很多女朋友 但 名义上 老婆只能是一个
所以 最后 你还是要作一个决定


给于彼此的的信任不足 维持之间的基石已变了(共鸣点)等等

过去交往和未来的对象(她) 就会和 现在的你
作比较 作决斗
当 你们 之间出现问题的时候 ...


经历过 , 只希望 “她” 不是 “你”
而 是 “你” 就是 “你”